Rugged Lace

Ok, I'm going to start by saying sorry for the extensive amount of photos!! There were seriously too many good shots to choose from! (which is rare and awesome). It's funny because the day we took these I felt like none of them were turning out. Time and a little editing worked wonders.

The location for these photos couldn't have worked out more perfectly. We were on the way home from my Nephew's birthday party and I spotted a dirt trail, we went with it!

I loved the contrast of this outfit. It was a little more toned down than what I usually wear. The boots and forest green shawl had kind of a rugged feel but of course, knowing me, I added lace and polka dots to balance it out!

I spotted this top at one of my favorite local boutiques and had to have it! It has everything! A peter pan collar, a faux chest pocket, polka dots, lace, and it's mint! Perfection if you ask me!

I find this pic (above) to be a little Zooey-esque. I don't know... maybe it's just wishful thinking. I absolutely adore/want to be her.

Oh, and thanks everyone for your comments/concern on my last post! My parent's home is unharmed and the fire is contained. Amazingly, only 2 barns burned down and no homes were lost!

Outfit Details:
Skirt - Bella Bird
Shawl - Target
Lace shorts - Deb
Boots - Rue21
Belt - Shade
Lace socks and Bracelet - DIY


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